Машинопис по десетопръстната система




Макар че все още има хора, които не са се докосвали до компютър, факт е че много съществена част от живота ни прекарваме пред компютъра. Посредством клавиатурата изразяваме това, което искаме да намерим и кажем. Именно затова е важно каква е ефективността при писане, тъй като това е основно умение, което ни се налага да придобием.

Упражненията по-долу имат за цел да помогнат на всеки, който желае да се научи да пише по десетопръстната система (латиница + фонетика) без да гледа в клавиатурата и монитора. Последното (с монитора) е по-скоро за удобство, отколкото реално да се използва всеки път при писане на клавиатура. Достатъчно е да се отделят общо 20 астрономически часа за всички упражнения. Ако бъдат разделени на сесии по 2 часа за десет дни човекът, който е минал упражненията ще може спокойно да пише макар и в началото по-бавно. По-трудни са първите 5-6 часа, тъй като търпението бързо се изчерпва заради монотонната дейност. Ако не прекъснете преди това, ще успеете да се научите на десетопръстната система. 🙂

Сигурно сте забелязали, че има две издадени чертички върху „F“ и „J“? Те не са сложени случайно там и доколкото знам, няма клавиатура, която да не ги притежава. Идеята им е там да бъдат разположени показалците. Оттам започва всичко. Същинската част продължава оттук:


FJНатискат се с показалците
KDНатискат се с средните пръсти
LSНатискат се с безименните пръсти
A;Натискат се с малките пръсти
GHНатискат се с показалците
RUНатискат се с показалците
TYНатискат се с показалците
EIНатискат се с средните пръсти
WOНатискат се с безименните пръсти
Q]Натискат се с малките пръсти
BNНатискат се с показалците
VMНатискат се с показалците
C,Натискат се с средните пръсти
X.Натискат се с безименните пръсти
Z/Натискат се с малките пръсти

keyboard_ASDFGHJKL;jj kk ll ;; ff dd ss aa hg
jj kk ll ;; ff dd ss aa hg

jkl; fdsa ;lkj asdf jhj fgf
jkl; fdsa ;lkj asdf jhj fgf

jh fg kh lh ;h dg sg ag hg
jh fg kh lh ;h dg sg ag hg

hjkl; gfdsa ;lkjh asdfg fdsag jkl;h ;; jJ kK lL hH gG fF dD sS aA
hjkl; gfdsa ;lkjh asdfg fdsag jkl;h ;; jJ kK lL hH gG fF dD sS aA

ass add aff akk all ass add aff akk agg ahh all afg ajh agg arm ;
ass add aff akk all ass add aff akk agg ahh all afg ajh agg ahh ;

all add as all add as ask ask sad sad fas fas dak dak lad lad dad
all add as all add as ask ask sad sad fas fas dak dak lad lad dad

fad fad fals fals falls falls lass lass asks asks fall fall alas
fad fad fals fals falls falls lass lass asks asks fall fall alas

dada dada dald dald flak flak gall gall lads lads adds adds saga
dada dada dald dald flak flak gall gall lads lads adds adds saga

flask flask salad salad flags flags halls halls glass glass gash
flask flask salad salad flags flags halls halls glass glass gash

ask all; ask all; ask a lad, ask a lads; ask a lads; ask a lads;
ask all; ask all; ask a lad; ask a lads; ask a lads; ask a lads;

ask dad; ask dad; ask all lads; ask all lads; a lad had a glass;
ask dad; ask dad; ask all lads; ask all lads; a lad had a glass;

has has gad gad fag fag aha aha had had gas gas dag dag sag sag;
has has gad gad fag fag aha aha had had gas gas dag dag sag sag;

shall shall shall shall flags flags flags flags ask ask ask ask;
shall shall shall shall flags flags flags flags ask ask ask ask;

dad asks all; dad asks all; dad asks all; dad asks all; las las;
dad asks all; dad asks all; dad asks all; dad asks all; las las;



uu rr mm vv ju jm fr fv rv
uu rr mm vv ju jm fr fv um

ku km dr dv lu lm sr sv ar
ku km dr dv lu lm sr sv ar

auf aum ;rj ;vj smj suj lr
auf aum ;rj ;vj smj suj lr

jhu jhm fgr fgv ujk mjk rfd rfs vfs rfa vfa ujk mjk ujl mjl ujh;
jhu jhra fgr fgv ujk mjk rfd rfs vfs rfa vfa ujk mjk ujl mjl ujh;

rag rag rajah rajah rash rash rug rug rush rush slug slug slush;
rag rag rajah rajah rash rash rug rug rush rush slug slug slush;

smug smug hush hush husk husk hussar hussar jug jug sugar sugar;
smug smug hush hush husk husk hussar hussar jug jug sugar sugar;

lush lush lug lug lurk lurk marh marh marshal marshal hard hard;
lush lush lug lug lurk lurk marh marh marshal marshal hard hard;

ham ham gush gush haras haras gull gull gum gum glum glum grass;
ham ham gush gush haras haras gull gull gum gum glum glum grass;

grammar grammar guard guard fur fur shark shark drag drag fraud;
grammar grammar guard guard fur fur shark shark drag drag fraud;

haul haul Raul Raul fuss fuss jar jar dam dam ram ram mark mark
haul haul Raul Raul fuss fuss jar jar dam dam ram ram mark mark

jam jam arm arm Sam Sam am am farm farm far far dark dark amass
jam jam arm arm Sam Sam am am farm farm far far dark dark amass

small jar sum sum sums sums afar afar ajar ajar alarm alarm am am
small jar sum sum sums sums afar afar ajar ajar alarm alarm am am

alms alms alms alms arras arras arras arras ark ark ark ark mask
alms alms alms alms arras arras arras arras ark ark ark ark mask

aural aural aural aural USSR USSR USSR USSR USA USA USA USA mum
aural aural aural aural USSR USSR USSR USSR USA USA USA USA mum

mass mass maul maul mark mark maraul maraul mammal mammal muff
mass mass maul maul mark mark maraul maraul mammal mammal muff

Mars Mars Madam Madam mud mud mull mull slur slur sum sura surf
Mars Mars Madam Madam mud mud mull mull slur slur sum sura surf

murmur murmur mush mush musk musk muss muss slam alsm skull dam
murmur murmur mush mush musk musk muss muss slam alsm skull dam

Slav Slav slum slum sulk sulk surf surf skull skull rum rum rum
Slav Slav slum slum sulk sulk surf surf skull skull rum rum rum

full full lull lull ruff ruff rural rural mar mar rusk rusk as
full full lull lull ruff ruff rural rural mar mar rusk rusk as

Lammas Lammas radar radar dud dud far far shark shark slur slur
Lammas Lammas radar radar dud dud far far shark shark slur slur

slur slur smug small small small sluggard sluggard surd surd dam
slur slur smug small small small sluggard sluggard surd surd dam

dark dark dual dual dusk dusk fluff fluff flush flush flush dual
dark dark dual dual dusk dusk fluff fluff flush flush flush dual

dad had a jug; dad had a jug; a lass had a rug; a lass had a rug
dad had a jug; dad had a jug; a lass had a rug; a lass had a rug

a lass had a jug; a lass had a jug; a lad had a jug; a lad had;
a lass had a jug; a lass had a jug; a lad had a jug; a lad had;

a lad had a rug; a lad had a rug; a grass; a gross; a jar; a jar
a lad had a rug; a lad had a rug; a grass; a grass; a jar; a jar

a lad had a fall; a lad had a fall; a lad had a fall; a lad had;
a lad had a fall; a lad had a fall; a lad had a fail; a lad had;

hard hard half half dark dark rush rush grass grass flask flask;
hard hard half half dark dark rush rush grass grass flask flask;

sluggard sluggard sluggard sluggard murmur murmur murmur murmur
sluggard sluggard sluggard sluggard murmur murmur murmur murmur

EC — I


ii ee cc ki ki de de de de
ii ee cc ki ki de de de de

ji fe fc li se sc hi ge gc
ji fe fc li se sc hi ge gc

kia de; dc; deu deu kir ir
kia de; dc; deu deu kir ir

hji hui gfe gfc fre fvc gic ;; kikj dedf kikh dedg deds dcds deda
hji hui gfe gfc fre fvc gic ;; kikj dedf kikh dedg deds deds deda

her her his his due due rid rid aid aid ride ride dress red dress
her her his his due due rid rid aid aid ride ride dress red dress

dress red red shell shell faded faded agree agree cheese cheese
dress red red shell shell faded faded agree agree cheese cheese

issue issue fresh fresh judge judge aided aided ideal ideal she
issue issue fresh fresh judge judge aided aided ideal ideal she

fill fill kid kid kill kill deals deals shade shade us us he he
fill fill kid kid kill kill deals deals shade shade us us he he

large large argue argue shirk shirk deeds deeds field field all
large large argue argue shirk shirk deeds deeds field field all

shade shade guess guess shark shark cause cause clear clear aid
shade shade guess guess shark shark cause cause clear clear aid

desk desk caves caves have have valve valve radical radical red
desk desk caves caves have have valve valve radical radical red

charm charm value value child child called called sugar sugar all
charm charm value value child child called called sugar sugar all

recede recede recede recede ridicule ridicule ridicule ridicule
recede recede recede recede ridicule ridicule ridicule ridicule

rick rick rick rick fled fled fled fled dresk dresk dresk dresk
rick rick rick rick fled fled fled fled cresk dresk dresk dresk

reach reach read read real real realm realm reassure reassure he
reach reach read read real real realm realm reassure reassure he

receive receive recede recede recal recal recese recese refer us
receive receive recede recede recal recal recese recese refer us

recessive recessive recessive recluse recluse reclaim reclaim am
recessive recessive recessive recluse recluse reclaim reclaim am

reck reck recless recless redress redress reduce reduce regal as
reck reck recless recless redress rediass reduce reduce regal as

refill refill refuge refuge refuse refuse regard regard ridge he
refill refill refuge refuge reruse refuse regard regard ridge he

release release revise revise ridlle ridlle reverce reverce rush
release release revise revise ridlle ridlle reverce reverce rush

He led us; he led us; he used a sled; he used a sled; he fled;
He led us; he led us; he used a sled; he used a sled; he fled;

He has fled; he has fled; did she read; did she read; reef; reef
He has fled; he has fled; did she read; did she read; reef; reef

She had a rug; she had a rug; she had us all; she had us all; us
She had a rug; she had a rug; she had us all; she had us all; us

She a fall; she a fall; did she use; did she use; he liked her;
She a fall; she a fall; did she use; did she use; he liked her;

Did she like salad; did she like salad; read a fresh issue; reef
Did she like salad; did she like salad; read a fresh issue; reef

He used a dresk; he used a dresk; he used a sled; he used a sled
He used a dresk; he used a dresk; he used a sled; he used a sled

He likes sugar; he likes sugar; dad led a lad as dusk fell; fled
He likes sugar; he likes sugar; dad led a lad as dusk fell; fled

Dad has a shelf; dad has a shelf; dad has a shelf; rile; rile;
Dad has a shelf; dad has a shelf; dad has a shelf; rile; rile;

A lass ussed a desk; a lass ussed a desk; a lass ussed a desk;
A lass useed a desk; a lass ussed a desk; a lass ussed a desk;

QZ — P


pp qq zz ;p aq az ;p aq az
pp qq zz ;p aq az ;p aq az

lp sq sz kp dq dz jp fq fz
lp sq sz kp dq dz jp fq fz

hp gq gz ap ;q ;z lq lz sp
hp gq gz ap ;q ;z lq lz sp

jujp frfq jmjp frfz jijp frfq fvfz fvfq fefq fefz fcfqfcfz aqazp
jujp frfq jmjp frfz jijp frfq fvfz fvfq fefq fefz fcfqfcfz aqazp

paper paper paraphrase paraphrase parallel parallel park park park
paper paper paraphrase paraphrase parallel parallel park park park

paradise paradise parch parch perverse perverse parcel parcel size
paradise paradise parch parch perverse perverse parcel parcel size

pauper pauper pause pause peach peach peak peak pamper pamper peak
pauper pauper pause pause peach peach peak peak pamper pamper peak

quad quad peal peal pedigree pedigree pare pare perceipercei quad
quad quad peal peal pedigree pedigree pare pare perceipercei quad

picaresque picaresque peddle peddle peap peap guzzeie guzelle zulu
picaresque picaresque peddle peddle peap peap guzzeie guzzeie zulu

peer peer peeve peeve pepper pepper perch perch lizard lizard pave
peer peer peeve peeve pepper pepper perch perch lizard lizard pave

repel repel rapid rapid peril peril zulu zulu size size azure quiz
repel repel rapid rapid peril peril zulu zulu size size azure quiz

gazz gazz realize realize rumplus rumplus quadruple quadruple gazz
gazz gazz realize realize rumplus rumplus quadruple quadruple gazz

quack quack quack quack pave pave pave pave queue queue queue pave
quack quack quack quack pave pave pave pave queue queue queue pave

quad quad quad quad quiz quiz quiz quiz qualm qualm qualm qualm he
quad quad quad quad quiz quiz quiz quiz qualm qualm qualm qualm he

quaff quaff quag quag recipe rummage quadrille quadrille pack
quaff quaff quag quag recipe rummage quadrille quadrille pack

quadruped quadruped quail quail quill quill quip quip perk recipe
quadruped quadruped quail quail quill quill quip quip perk recipe

pacifie pacifie quick quick quell quell queer queer quasi quasi
pacifie pacifie quick quivk quell quell queer queer quasi quasi

pieree pieree quake quake quiver quiver quire quire place place
pieree pieree quake quake quiver quiver quire quire place place

rasp rasp rapier rapier reappear reappear reap reap quirk quirk
rasp rasp rapier rapier reappear reappear reap reap quirk quirk

recipe recipe relaspe relaspe repair repair replace replace that
recipe recipe relaspe relaspe repair repair replace replace that

repress repress paddle paddle percevere percevere peruse peruse
repress repress paddle paddle percevere percevere peruse peruse

pervade pervade phrase phrase placid placid plaque plaque azure
pervade pervade phrase phrase placid placid plaque plaque azure

pace pace pack pack palm palm pale pale palace palace pair pair
pace pace pack pack palm palm pale pale palace palace pair pair

page page plea plea zeal zeal plague plague ripple ripple river
page page plea plea zeal zeal plague plague ripple ripple river

reprieve reprieve reprisal reprisal repulse repulse rival rival
reprieve reprieve reprisal reprisal repulse repulse rival rival

placard placard plagiarism plagiarism pimple pimple rip rip pig
placard placard plagiarism plagiarism pimple pimple rip rip pig



tt bb yy nn jy ft jn fb bt
tt bb yy nn jy ft jn fb yn

ky kn dt db ly ln st sb yt
ky kn dt db ly ln st sb bn

jya jna yka nky hjy hjn ty
jya jna yka nky hjy hjn bn

gftf gfbf jtfb fyjb lyfj stjf juyf jhyf jmnf frtj fetj jhnf fctj
gftf gfbf jtfb fyjb lyfj stjf juyf jhyf jmnf frtj fetj jhnf fctj

tab tab tabby tabby table table tableau tableau tablet tablet butt
tab tab tabby tabby table table tableau tableau tablet tablet butt

tact tact tarky tarky neglect neglect tapestry tapestry tempt yule
tact tact tarky tarky neglect neglect tapestry tapestry tempt yule

Bulgaria Bulgaria temperature temperature telepathy telepathy yard
Bulgaria Bulgaria temperature temperature telepathy telepathy yard

temerity temeritу terrible terrible numismatic numismatic testy year
temerity temerity terrible terrible numismatic numismatic testy year

tetchy tetchy tattle tattle Tartar Tartar tatter tatter the the on
tetchy tetchy tattle tattle Tartar Tartar tatter tatter the the on

Thames Thames yacht yacht yacht yea yea yes yes and and tempt year
Thames Thames yacht yacht yacht yea yea yes yes and and tempt year

butler butler butt butt buttress buttress busy busy nest nest bye
butler butler butt butt buttress buttress busy busy nest nest bye

butcher butcher nasal nasal napkin napkin narrate narrate narrate
butcher butcher nasal nasal napkin napkin narrate narrate narrate

buffet buffet buggy buggy bulb bulb bulletin bulletin yes yes yes
buffet buffet buggy buggy bulb bulb bulletin bulletin yes yes yes

bunch bunch bumbailiff bumbailiff bumbailiff burden burden nebula
bunch bunch bumbailiff bumbailiff bumbailiff burden burden nebula

burberry burberry neither neither nasturtium nasturtium navvy bye
burberry burberry neither neither nasturtium nasturtium navvy bye

native native neat neat necessity necessity nuisance nuisance nag
native native neat neat necessity necessity nuisance nuisance nag

necessary necessary nippy nippy nestle nestle nursery nursery net
necessary necessary nippy nippy nestle nestle nursery nursery net

nutriment nutriment natty natty natrium nibble nibble nymph nymph
nutriment nutriment natty natty natrium nibble nibble nymph nymph

nacelle nacelle nacre nacre nadir nadir nag nag nag naught naught
nacelle nacelle nacre nacre nadir nadir nag nag nag naught naught

nuptial nuptial nuance nuance nettle nettle nimble nimble nut nut
nuptial nuptial nuance nuance nettle nettle nimble nimble nut nut

nitrate nitrate nature nature numb numb nihilist nihilist nib nib
nitrate nitrate nature nature numb numb nihilist nihilist nib nib

nether nether neurasthenia neurasthenia neuritis neuritis numeral
nether nether neurasthenia neurasthenia neuritis neuritis numeral

night night nightingale nightingale neutral neutral null null net
night night nightingale nightingale neutral neutral null null net

numeral numeral numeral numeral nickel nickel nickel nickel niece
numeral numeral numeral numeral nickel nickel nickel nickel niece

telegram telegram telegram telegram telegraph telegraph telegraph
telegram telegram telegram telegram telegraph telegraph telegraph

WX — О


oo ww xx lo sw sx lx lw sp
oo ww xx lo sw sx lx lw sp

jo fw fx ko kx dp dw dx kw
jo fw fx ko kx dp dw dx kw

aws axs hol gwx gxs los lw
aws axs hol gwx gxs los lw

jujo jijo jpjo frfw fvfw fefw fefw frfx fvfx fefx fcfx jmno jhoj
jujo jijo jpjo frfw fvfw fefw fefw frfx fvfx fefx fcfx jmno jhoj

reflex reflex reflux reflux wee wee wash wash oboe oboe odur odur
reflex reflex reflux reflux wee wee wash wash oboe oboe odur odur

obloquy obloquy obvious obvious occasion occasion warrior warrior
obloquy obloquy obvious obvious occasion occasion warrior warrior

Wednesday Wednesday obnoxious obnoxious observation observation
Wednesday Wednesday obnoxious obnoxious observation observation

octagon octagon odious odious occult occult waddle waddle waggle
octagon octagon odious odious occult occult waddle waddle waggle

octopus octopus occupy occupy offensive offensive ocular ocular
octopus octopus occupy occupy offensive offensive ocular ocular

officiate officiate obtrude obtrude whop whop worse worse world
officiate officiate obtrude obtrude whop whop worse worse world

made off wood; made off wood; off and on; off and on; off street;
made off wood; made off wood; off and on; off and on; off street;

ween ween weep weep who who wholly wholly whoop whoop wheel wheel
ween ween weep weep who who wholly wholly whoop whoop wheel wheel

whose whose whose whose why why why why wide wide wide wide odur
whose whose whose whose why why why why wide wide wide wide odur

obsolescent obsolescent obsolescent obsolescent wax wax wax wax on
obsolescent obsolescent obsolescent obsolescent wax wax wax wax on

width width wield wilful whop wilful whop world world wield woo
width width wield wilful whop wilful whop world world wield woo

wood wood word word work work wisdom wisdom wort wort worn worn
wood wood word word work work wisdom wisdom wort wort worn worn

worthy worthy wrath wrath weapon wallop weapon wallop whit whit
worthy worthy wrath wrath weapon wallop weapon wallop whit whit

wardrobe wardrobe wedlok wedlok welcome welcome whelk whelk who
wardrobe wardrobe wedlok wedlok welcome welcome whelk whelk who

wheeze wheeze wherry wherry whether whether which which wet wet
wheeze wheeze wherry wherry whether whether which which wet wet

whiff whiff while while whim whim whimsical willynilly whimsical
whiff whiff while while whim whim whimsical willynilly whimsical

what what whimsy whimsy whirr whirr whisk whisk whether whether
what what whimsy whimsy whirr whirr whisk whisk whether whether

whisper whisper whiste whiste whip whip white white where where
whisper whisper whiste whiste whip whip white white where where

weary weary weasel weasel web web wheat wheat wheeale weep weep
weary weary weasel weasel web web wheat wheat wheeale weep weep

weigh weigh wharf wharf wish wish wise wise wire wire wife wife
weigh weigh wharf wharf wish wish wise wise wire wire wife wife

waggery waggery oasis oasis oath oath obdurate obdurate obscene
waggery waggery oasis oasis oath oath obdurate obdurate obscene

obedient obedient obeisance obeisance obscur obscur whale whale
obedient obedient obeisance obeisance obscur obscur whale whale

obliterate obliterate odium odium oblique oblique obtain obtain
obliterate obliterate odium odium oblique oblique obtain obtain

obsequies obsequies obsequies obsequies whence whence whence on
obsequies obsequies obsequies obsequies whence whence whence on

whelp whelp whelp whelp obituary obituary obituary obituary wig
whelp whelp whelp whelp obituary obituary obituary obituary wig

Open open open open which which which which stop stop stop stop
Open open open open which which which which stop stop stop stop

look look look look you you you you not not not not know know
look look look look you you you you not not not not know know

Punctuation of the First Line


,, ?? … !! – “ k, l. ;-
,, ?? … !! – “ k, l. ;-

k? l! ;’ lo. lo! ki, ki? ;
k? l! ;’ lo. lo! ki, ki? ;

qu, qa. qi- qo? q’q cy-!
qu, qa. qi- qo? q’q qy-!

What kind of music do you like? Which pen do you prefer? How many students were present? How much wool will you buy for the cardi¬gan? Whose book is this one? What did you give him? Which pencil shall I take? Is that what we must do? Who is that girl? Did you see her? Didn’t you know? ;How many books did you buy? All right!
My ideas are obsolete! How lovely the day is! Stop talking! Look at the calendar! Look at the map of Bulgaria! Look at the map. of the world! Oh, what a darling you are! A mighty splash was heard! My heart came into ray mouth! There’s a cup of coffee. Will you be lis¬tening to music? What a good companion and true friend the dog is!
A barking dog does not bite. – Oh, yes!… At or in what place?
Can you make a list of all these words? Have you received ray letter? A man who stuttered came up to a boy at a railway station and asked, W-w-what t-t-time d-d-does the n-n-next train l-l-leave f-f-for B-B-Boston? You have to go there. Do you have to go there?
Have you got to go there? What picture did you buy? Which of the¬se boys is Nick? Has she any interesting books? I’ll be reading. You’ll be reading. I won’t be reading. Won’t you be reading?…
Open! when? what? Why? where? Whom? Whence? Which? How many? Who? Open! when? what? Why? where? Whom? whence? which? How many? who?

old-time, well-known, well-to-do, vice-president, vice-versa. Who?
old-time, well-known, well-to-do, vice-president, vice-versa. Who?

topsy-turvy, terra-cotta, test-tube, small-pox, shoe-string. Oh!
topsy-turvy, terra-cotta, test-tube, small-pox, shoe-string. Oh!

A Fourth Line of Keyboard


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + ´
“ = % & ( ) _ § / : `

a1 s2 d3 f4 f5 j6 j7 k8 l9
;+ ;/ ;b ;` ;^ S I X V
sX fV kI l0 II xV XIV XXI

1 o’clock. (… for 2 hours.).
He celebrate the 1100th anniversary of the arrival of the discip¬les of Cyril and Methodius in Bulgaria. Clement died at an advan¬ced age, on July 27, 916 in the St. Panteleimon Monastery in Ohrid. Price Boris provided conditions for work before the end of 885 when they arrived in Bulgaria. Clement of Ohrid had 3500 children in Bulgaria.
The 1986 International Bulgaria Studies Summer Seminar will be held for the 24th time in the Student Village at the foot of Vitosha. Over 200 young people from, different countries are brought together by their désire to know each other…
The Bulgarian archaeological exposition opened on December 13, 1985.
Some 2,500 people – scholars, statesmen, intellectuals and students – gathered in the University Library foyer for the ceremony. The visitors were over 90,000.

short-circuit, short-sighted, self-control, self-government
short-circuit, shott-sighted, self-control, self-government

world-wide, world-wide, wrought-iron, self-respect, self-reliance,
world-wide, world-wide, wrought-iron, self-respect, self-reliance,


About 360,000 homes of which 100,000 in the capital should be built during the ninth 5-year period. In 1985 the¬re were 35 doctors and dentists to every 10,000 of the popu-lation. Pregnant women and children up to the age of 3 un-dergo regular medical check-ups at the 2,500 gynecological and pediatric consultation rooms. Infant mortality rate in this country dropped to 15.8 per thousand live-born babies in 1985 against 20.3 % in 1980.

Expenditures for this purpose reached 2.8 % of the national income in 1985 as compared with 2.3 % in 1981. More than 80,000 people work in the Sphere of science and scientific back-up which is about 1.8 % of all persons engaged in the national economy. At present there are 51 academicians, 78 corresponding members of academics, about 1,200 professors and 2,500 associate professors in PRB.
A total of 41,600 million kWh of electricity were generated in 1985, or 18,8 per cent more than in 1980. Coal production reached 32.5 million tons. The importance of atomic generation grew: the electricity generated by the atomic power station doubled to reach 31.5 % of the country’s total utilizing the thermal energy of geothermal waters were in-troduced.
(Rapport of the Central Committee of SCP to the 13th Party Congress)

He said: „Where do you live?“ She said; „Why didn’t you come?“ The old woman said, „Come with me, don’t stay here.“ We can reduce the price to $ 900. Our firm bought these compressors at the price of $ 5,200 each. It was $4,000. Goodman & Co bought our boilers at the price of 200,00. Sales Manager of White & Co. telephoned me.



I do not know whether all of you have heard the words fire dancer. Before I come back to them let me recall the words of Nako Stanishev, an eminent figure of the 19th century National Bulgarian Revival in Koukoush: „How could faith
exist without a nation? A nation could do without faith and will find whatever faith it likes but faith without a nation cannot exist! Until recently there existed a strange, exotic, spectacular religious ritual unintelligible to the people of today, in some villages of the Strangja Mountains. On the feast day of the saints Constantine and Hellen they built big fires and when the flames were gone and embers were spread about barefoot women started dancing e mystic dance on the glowing embers. Usually the oldest woman Was the leader of the dance, an icon in her hands, and the other women stepped on the fire after her. I have watched this fire dancing feast of the nestinarki, the women fire dancers.
(Nikola Ind. Rodolybie magazin, October, 1986)

The Miracle of Rogozen

A recent find comprises a total of 165 ancient silver objects: 54 jugs, 3 cups and 103 phials. The phials could be subdivided as follows: decorated with floral ornaments, with geometrical patterns, with figures of mythical monsters, with heads of he-roes and deities (Heracles, Apollo…) and with mythological scenes. The find of Rogozen is the most abundant source of in-formation on the history, culture and art of the ancient Thracians. This is what makes it so very important. The Rogozen silver treasure is expected to throw light on the inconclusive interpretations regarding treasures and tombs in Bulgaria. The treasure of Rogozen is very likely to corroborate the theory that Thracian culture and art had a long tradition of their own, that they originated in what is now Bulgaria, that they evolved a style of their own, that they exercised influence on neighbour ancient cultures and that they refracted the influence exercised on them through their own outlook.
(Lybomir Zahariev, Rodolvbie magazin July, 1986, p. 39)

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